Does the company you work for have a policy on AI use? Several brands (Amazon, Apple, Verizon, and Wells Fargo) have set strict parameters around the technology.

Once you get the OK to give it a go, you’ll need to develop specific policies to guide AI use in content and marketing.

An AI operations plan will let you make (and share) sound decisions about its use and governance in your department – and help mitigate the risks.

For a recent article in CCO, CMI’s content leadership publication, I asked industry AI experts for their advice on operationalizing AI for content (and what to watch out for along the way). I’ve recapped the highlights here. You can also read the original article The Power of the Prompt: How to Plug AI Into Your Content Engines on CCO.

Develop generative AI strategy and standards

Your first question on AI’s role in your content operations should be, “Where does it make the most sense to use it?”

Focus on business impact

First, make sure incorporating AI aligns with your company values, says Trust Insights CEO Katie Robbert. “I would start with your mission and values and see if using artificial intelligence contradicts them,” she says.

Then, consider how AI tools work with your marketing and business priorities. “Think about the questions you’ve been unable to answer or problems you’ve struggled to solve,” she suggests.

Next, consider where these AI tools can help increase brand value or marketing impact. Will they help increase audience reach or enable you to branch out to new creative areas?

Most companies measure AI’s impact in terms of time – how much they can save or how much more they can do. That approach measures efficiency but not effectiveness, says Meghan Keaney Anderson, head of marketing at Jasper, an AI content generation tool.

Meghan recommends A/B testing to pit AI-assisted content against human-created content on comparable topics. “Figure out which one fared better in terms of engagement rates, search traffic, and conversions to see if [AI] can match the quality at a faster pace,” she says…Read More