“Why didn’t I think of that?”

The best content marketing examples inspire other marketers. All content marketers want to produce content so good that it sparks joy in its intended audience – and performs well as a result. It doesn’t hurt if it earns a little envy from peers, too.

“Unicorn” content initiatives don’t appear out of thin air. Coming up with fresh ideas, aligning them to your strategic goals and audience interests, and supporting them with a thoughtful distribution and promotion plan takes work.

No one else’s map will get you there, but you can find inspiration for your map. The e-book 35 Examples of Brands That Are Winning With Content (registration required) features leading B2B and B2C companies that exceeded audience expectations – and their marketing goals – with novel content approaches and creative executions.

Lesson 1: Document your strategy for agility

Developing (and documenting) your content marketing strategy can do more than just focus your team on content types and channels. It can guide your direction when you must adapt to unexpected marketplace shifts, new behavior patterns, or emerging audience challenges – something we’ve all faced a lot of in the past few years.

Case in point: Leading Through Change

In March 2020, the world changed seemingly overnight. Salesforce responded to the new realities of pandemic-related business operations almost as quickly, launching its Leading Through Change content initiative on March 17. For the record, that was three days before California issued shelter-in-place orders and airports effectively shut down.

Leading Through Change takes a multimedia, multinational content approach that spans broadcast, on-demand video, blogs, audio, online learning modules, and social media channels in over 20 countries and 15 languages.

To develop all that content and tackle topics like well-being at work, upskilling, and vaccine management, Salesforce teamed up with recognized subject matter experts, CEOs, and other business luminaries across industries. For example, they published a series of articles and videos based on interviews with Dr. David Agus, including this one about why companies should consider hiring a chief health officer. Salesforce also created a resource center with guides such as its COVID-19 Response Playbook and a handbook on How To Safely Reopen Your Business

Lesson 2: Increase content resonance with personalized relevance

Audiences naturally gravitate toward brands they relate to on a personal level – whether they share a sense of style, a passion for a hobby or activity, or an affinity for a value or belief. The more your audience can see themselves in your content, the more likely they’ll engage and act on it.

Personalizing content around their life experiences and the things they care about can plant the seeds to grow deeper, more resonant connections with them – even when you’re marketing a B2B product or service that rarely sparks joy in anyone’s mind. Exhibit an understanding of a relevant topic of concern, then show your business considers it a priority, too. Ultimately, letting consumers know you see them as people can help increase their trust in your brand – and their level of satisfaction with the services they purchase…Read More