Talent development’s goal is to create a high-performance organization where everyone is motivated and supported to achieve a shared vision of success. The way an organization shares feedback and evaluates performance is the heart of talent development.

But traditional performance reviews aren’t working for employees (1 in 5 admit they’d rather call in sick than have one) and nearly 90% of HR leaders are currently reevaluating their approach to performance reviews.

In 2021, many of your competitors will invest in talent development software. If you make the right decision, invest in the right software, and if your organization is willing to use it, you can realize 5 decisive competitive advantages.

As you’re searching for the right software, evaluate partners by asking 3 questions:

  • Is it efficient?

Nearly 70% of HR leaders say they need performance reviews to be less time-consuming (Gartner) This insight tells us that most HR leaders (and their frontline managers) are stuck in manual process If you’re manually collecting feedback, capturing data from selected timeframes in spreadsheets and then trying to extract insight from all the inputs, you have every reason to be frustrated A modern approach to talent development is user-friendly, automated and frictionless Talent development software should give HR
leaders and managers all the data and inputs they need, any time they need it.

  • Does it inspire?

Among its many shortcomings, the annual performance review was awkward Managers had to remember what happened or didn’t happen months ago And while most annual traditions are festive, the annual review was decidedly not Excised from the day-to-day, the stodgy performance review was unique, in a bad way It was unlike any normal conversation Modern talent development is continuous feedback, as agile, organic and responsive as the work itself Talent development software should create a framework to have meaningful, timely conversations that result in real outcomes (like tying pay to objective measures of performance).

  • Does it unite?

Old school performance reviews focused on the individual Modern talent development aligns the individual’s skills, training opportunities and career aspirations with the overall objectives of the organization That may sound like a fancy way of saying “it gets everyone on the same page” and it does but even more, it’s a way of getting everyone on the next page by predicting and planning for the future needs of the organization Talent development software should help leaders clarify their long-term
strategies, unite talent around current needs and nurture talent to be ready for what’s to come.

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