2017 has been a year of hype in the realm of recruiting AI. Even reputable publications have given in to producing clickbait headlines heralding the end of recruiters and talent acquisition as we know it, conjuring images of robots from The Terminator coming for our jobs.

That future certainly hasn’t materialized yet, and won’t anytime soon. Even so, artificial intelligence, also known as ‘AI,’ is far more than just a passing trend, although it is currently largely misunderstood in the recruiting world. The question of who wins in talent acquisition, AI or humans, is a valid one that deserves
the attention and energy of every talent acquisition professional concerned with winning today’s war for talent.

We at Censia believe that AI will transform recruiting for the better, ushering in a new era where talent acquisition teams are fully empowered and recognized as revenue-driving, strategic partners in their organizations.

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