Adobe FrameMaker Essentials
Part 9: Understanding Pages
The recording of this webinar is now available on YouTube here.
The recordings of all sessions of the FrameMaker Essentials series are available in the Adobe FrameMaker Essentials Playlist on YouTube.
This webinar was recorded on April 10, 2024.
Welcome to Adobe FrameMaker Essentials, an online workshop series on the market-leading software for authoring and publishing technical content, Adobe FrameMaker. Here is your exclusive opportunity to learn from renowned technical communication experts and get hands-on training on Adobe FrameMaker.
In this virtual workshop, we will showcase the different types of pages you can work with in FrameMaker. In this session, we will cover the following topics:
- Body pages
- Flow tags
- Multiple flows
- Auto-connect and disconnected pages
- Master pages
- Running heads
- Text frames customizations
- Rotated pages
- Draft and TPILB
- Reference pages
- Reference
- Master page mapping tables
- HTML mapping tables (and why you can remove them)
- Role in generated files
After this session, you will gain a clear understanding of master pages, body pages and reference pages, where and how to use them for your content.